

Fri 3 May

Part of Landmark Theatres Key Seeds Programme:

Cocoon, a daring aerial theatre piece that intricately weaves black salon culture with the complexities of disability, celebrating resilience and unapologetic joy.

Cocoon, we’re submerged in black British hair salon culture:  appointments running over;  hairdresser’s working on two heads at once — utter chaos. Stories are interweaved like a braid confronting the highs and lows of what it means to grieve a body we once had.Exploring themes of fertility, illness, disability, gender dysphoria, and euphoria. Navigating the intricate balance between community care and healthcare, leaving audiences with a resonant reminder of their interconnectedness.

The aim is to amplify marginalised voices; empowering audiences to advocate for their health, bask in the radiance of black joy, and boldly honour their bodies. Whilst I continue to build my portfolio and establish myself as a circus theatremaker.


Farrell Cox is an aerialist and theatremaker. Creating work inspired by lived experiences that pushes boundaries, and invites audiences to immerse into the theatrical narrative using multi sensory engagement, text and circus. A passion for bridging the gaps between cultures, identities and experiences and centering marginalised groups.

Training: Dell art international, East15, philippe gaulier.

Credits: Tangled fett, mimbre, graeae, hive city legacy(hot brown honey), Samsung, The RSC, Glydebourne, HBO, Blumhouse.


The Welcome Week(ender) is a programme of performances, workshops and activities presented by Landmark Theatres. The Welcome Week(ender) is designed to invite new audiences, artists and communities into the Key Theatre and offer free shows, workshops and taster session opportunities. Find out more here.

Part of The Welcome Week(ender) 2024!

Part of The Welcome Week(ender) 2024!

Part of The Welcome Week(ender). The Welcome Week(ender) is a Programme of performances, workshops and activities curated by Landmark Theatres. The Welcome Week(ender) is designed to invite new audiences, artists and communities into the Key Theatre and offers a Programme of free shows, workshops, and taster sessions.

Find out more